How the recently acquired Lotz Land puts it all together
by GCT Advisory Member Karen Riggert
The GCT’s most recent acquisition, a 13-acre parcel of land donated by Bob and Sue Lotz, connects surrounding protected parcels, fitting in perfectly to create a larger, protected land resource for wildlife and other natural habitat.
On Sunday August 9, a dedication ceremony was held attended by GCT trustees, the Lotz family (Bob and Sue Lotz, their daughter Joy Lang Holmes, and their son, Bryson Lang) as well as honorary GCT member and community leader Marion Stoddart.
Approximately 25 residents attended the dedication ceremony after walking approximately one-quarter of a mile down a quiet, pine needle and leaf-covered path from Indian Hill Road toward Half Moon Swamp.

Bob and Sue Lotz, their children Joy and Bryson are joined by trustees Wendy Good, Bob Pine, Ed McNierney, Susan Hughes, David Pitkin, Holly Estes and honorary trustee Marion Stoddard at the land dedication.
Trustee Ed McNierney greeted guests as they arrived for the dedication of the Lotz Land, thanking the Lotz family and noting the remarkable changes that have taken place over the years in this particular area.
“Two roads have converged in green woods,” he said. In appreciation of the long history of the relationship between the Groton Conservation Trust and Groton’s residents, McNierney continued, “We (the GCT) have been helping people make land ownership become a part of their legacy and we’re here to say ‘thank you!'”
Chair of the GCT Stewardship Committee, Bob Pines, also expressed appreciation to Bob and Sue Lotz for their contribution of the “undisturbed, beautiful setting” situated off the “cart path road, so quintessentially representative of New England.”
Pine shared some of the background of the land, indicating that there are, “… large protrusions of bedrock that the glaciers once plowed over.”
“There are undulations due to areas of softer rock,” he said, “and harder rock areas that have resulted in the creation of various types of habitats.”
Pointing to the upper part of the property, Pine said, “The rolling drumlins, which descend toward where we stand, have helped create habitat zones for endangered species, a critical environmental concern ecologically. This connecting parcel serves as a reservoir to let nature take its own course.”
Bob and Sue Lotz shared their contagious smiles as they expressed their joy in being able to donate the Lotz Land. Bob Lotz said, “So many of you here today have been involved in keeping Groton special. We are lucky to be a part of that, donating this parcel that is local to us. We love this land.”
Nearby, Lotz mentioned that Blackman Land, Bates Land and the Matisse “Bells in the Woods” are within walking distance.
Stoddart noted that the adjacent Half Moon Swamp was used extensively by early settlers, donated by Steve Lawrence and family. An important water source, Half Moon Swamp has been documented to exist since the 17th century.
Winding down the ceremony, McNierney invited guests to enjoy lemonade and cookies and to take a walk over the beautiful property. The area is a “web of life,” he said, “a perfect piece that fit into the jigsaw puzzle of this land.”