The Groton Conservation Trust acquired June’s Wood in February 2020. It is located on the west side of Pepperell Road in West Groton. There is a cart path that runs from Pepperell Road west through the forest, look for the brown June’s Wood sign south of Maple Ave. There is room for parking one car at the head of the path. Parking is also available at nearby Hayes Woods.
The June’s Wood land is home to meadows, forest, and wetland ecosystems, including a vernal pool and a small waterfall. It contains pine and mixed hardwood forest, with a large pond/bog wetland near the center of the property, and areas of wooded wetlands to the east and west of the central pond/bog area that are connected to it by streams. The property is within the Sqannassit Area of Critical Environmental Concern. June’s Wood is home to a range of wildflower, amphibian and reptile species. It is near the large acreage of protected open space known collectively as The Throne.
A full range of non-motorized activities are allowed.
Map courtesy of Groton Trails Network.