The Trust was honored to have Tom and Carl Taplin present at our May 2 Annual meeting to receive our Conservation Appreciation Award for 2018. The designation honors a lifetime of conservation efforts in Groton by the Taplin family through donations of property. The Taplin Wildlife Sanctuary (so named because of the many species they saw right from their window), Skinner Forest (named for dear friend Joseph Skinner) and Skitapet (donated by the Skinner Family, but named to honor lifetime Groton friends: Taplin, Skinner and Peterson families) were gifts to commemorate the joy they all remembered as they and their children roamed the woods and fields near Lost Lake.
Most recently, the estate of Mrs. Virginia Taplin donated the largest cash gift to the Trust in our history. The Taplin recognition honored John and Virginia Taplan for their many gifts of land to the town of Groton. Tom and Carl Taplin, along with their friend Noreen, were on hand to hear the many tributes and appreciations. Trustee Bob Pine began with the fact that 15% the protected GCT land came from Taplin gifts. He called them the most quiet, yet influential conservationists in town. Historian David Gordon gave a history of the Newton families, Taplin, Skinner and Peterson that loved Groton and the lost lake area. Former trustee Marion Stoddart presented the Taplin brothers with the historic document where Groton proclaimed “John and Virginia Taplin Day” on October 19,1996. Michelle Collette recognized the Taplins gift of land that helped to create a well for the Groton water supply, which is still in use today. Michelle also brought historic maps of the Lost Lake area to review.
At the end, Tom and Carl were presented with GCT’s conservation achievement award for 2018 honoring their family and their generous gifts to Groton and the GCT. Tom Taplin noted, “My mom’s wish was to have her gifts move forwardand impact the way people use the land. She would certainly be impressed with the way her contributions have been beneficial, enabling all the good work of the Trust.”